====== MacOS Tools ====== ===== Dev ===== * [[http://www.sublimetext.com|​​Sublime Text]] * [[http://www.vmware.com/products/desktop_virtualization/fusion/overview/|VMware Fusion]] * [[http://www.iterm2.com/|iTerm2]] * Eclipse * Fetcher * xCode * [[http://brew.sh/|Homebrew]] * [[https://code.google.com/p/macvim/|MacVim]] * [[http://www.suavetech.com/0xed/|0xED]] is a native OS X hex editor based on the Cocoa framework. * [[http://www.alfredapp.com/|Alfred]] saves you time when you search for files online or on your Mac. Be more productive with hotkeys, keywords and file actions at your fingertips. * [[https://atom.io/|Atom]] A hackable text editor for the 21st Century. * [[http://25.io/mou/|Mou]] Markdown editor for developers. ===== NoDev ===== * [[https://adium.im/|Adium]] * [[http://www.dejal.com/timeout/|Timeout]] * [[http://code.google.com/p/welly|Welly]] * [[http://mplayerx.org/download.html|MPlayerX]] * [[https://itunes.apple.com/cn/app/you-dao-ci-dian/id491854842|​有道词典]] * [[http://www.tuxera.com/products/tuxera-ntfs-for-mac/|Tuxera NTFS for Mac]] * [[http://www.paragon-software.com/home/extfs-mac/|Paragon ExtFS for Mac OS X]] * [[http://www.paragon-software.com/home/ntfs-mac/|Paragon NTFS for Mac OS X]] * [[http://evernote.com/download/get.php?file=EvernoteMac|Evernote]] * [[http://www.jitouch.com/|jitouch]] is a Mac application that expands the set of multi-touch gestures for the new MacBook. * [[http://www.code529.com/sidewriter.html|SideWriter]] By hiding itself on the left or right side of your screen SideWriter is instantly there when you need to write something down. * [[http://wireload.net/products/blotter/|Blotter]] Present your iCal calendar events and reminders right on your desktop with this stunning calendar viewer. * Skype * Wunderlist * OneNote